Solve a Problem and Become a Partner
We strongly believe in partnerships and Sweat Equity.
We base our business on delivering physically and natural products, but our operation is running on digital data.
We know that the hardest part is starting up a business.
Thus we want to reward the founders, and make sure they will also reap the fruits of their ideas and hard work.
The exit strategy for these founders is not just to sell and cash in.
A founder must pass on skills needed for new employees to maintain the operations of the company.
Having done so, the founder will be rewarded with a share,
and will be expected to focus on new developments and ideas.
Below is an organisation chart of the first 4 companies that we are going to build.
All of these companies are ment to grow rapidly after the initial build up of a running operation which will be supported by the mother company.
The founders will build these operations, and install and train new employees to continue the operation.